The Food I Make

   This is a vegetarian Udon style noodle dish. While it isn't completely made from scratch (the noodles), I like to enjoy this dish when I have little to no time to make a from scratch meal. I load it with spiciness and healthy consistency. It also spares me a full load of dishes.
My first Artisan bread try. I followed some basic info from some online sources and took off with a recipe of my own. I added garlic, chives, sugar, salt, my best judgement, and of course, some yeast...The only thing I would have done different is add a little more yeast.                                                                                 
 These Croquettes turned out perfect! I used a left over recipe to make a ragout of a Korean pork dish that I absent-mindedly erased from my camera. The croquettes themselves were a mixture of half flour and half polenta mixture. They were then dipped in an egg wash and dipped into some bread crumbs, to be finished and fried in conola oil.
 My first soft fried egg experiment. I luckily was able to get 2/6 eggs to use properly for our meal. The eggs were hard boiled for 4 minutes and cooled, then I had to carefully remove the shell which took and broke the egg white layer, which then caused the yolk to go with it! One of the more diligent and frustrating tasks I've recently had to perform. Anyway once I got it right it, it was placed on top of some sauteed julienned carrots to resemble a nest. Underneath is a mirin soy marinated tofu "steak", on top of soba noodle with fermented soy bean paste. I used grape tomatos and baby bellas to accent the dish.
 This is a Cornish Game Hen dish. I split and seared the each game hen half in cast iron to make the skin nice and crispy, and after 6 minutes or so I flipped and transferred the the pan directly into the oven over a low temp of 300d. The hens baked for approximately a half hour. For the final 5 minutes, I turned the temp up to a broil and used the top portion of the clarified butter (read on)  to coat the the skins of the hens. While the mini chicks were baking, I prepared a passion fruit Bearnaise sauce. I followed a simple recipe online and took off with my own version. Using the usual egg yolk, shallot, tarragon, white wine, vinegar, butter mixture, I turned out a Bearnaise that needed some sweetness. So I looked to the fridge for something extra to blend in. We happened to have some passion fruit juice that did just the trick. The crab like cake you see on top is actually the same croquette from above.. The base of this dish is actually from a frozen spinach bag of which heavy cream and s+p were added.
 My love for kim chee has brought me to attempt to make this traditional spicy condiment. This is my third and successful batch to date (The first two failed). All of these ingredients were picked up at a Korean foods store. I recommend anyone attempting to make this should locate one in their area.
 A rendition of Chinese leek bread. I added more yeast to make an Artisan style bread. We used a mixture of soy and melted butter to dip-in. 
 Scallop fried rice. I only wish I could have laid out a better presentation because I'm picky like that. Scallops were seared as usual with butter and sherry. The fried rice was made with a basmati rice and about half as much oil, for a healthier touch. Fried rice can be made anyway with virtually any vegetable, so long as you stick to the basic fried rice standards using sesame oil and soy sauce. I finished this with a vegetable curry ragout along the plate.
 Tilapia Spring Rolls with peanut dipping sauce. These rice paper treats were a mixture of tilapia, parsnips, carrots, basil, cilantro, chives, white cabbage, corn, vermicilli rice noodles, and dashes of salt, sesame oil, and vinegar.
 Since I still had tillapia left over to cook, I used it for our next dinner. Nothing fancy here. A simple olive oil s+p mixture to saute the fish for about 3 minutes on each side. Resting underneath is a sweet potato mash using cream, s+p, butter, and garlic. The salad is made from blood orange, avocado, sauteed endive, and a citrus vinaigrette( lemon juice, orange rind, ginger, garlic, vinegar, conola oil) The tilapia is finished with a orange juice gastrique.

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